Septoplasty procedure covers the straghtining the septal bone and the cartilage to maintain a wide normal range of nasal passage for air flow. The patients who have a complaint of nasal blockage and frequent nose and sinus infections might have a nasal septal deviations. Due to nasal phsical examination your doctor will let you know about your nasal passage situation. Some of the blockage can be due to the chonchal hyperthrophies with out septal deviations. In such cases we usually recommend to undergo a allergic prick test under supervision of an allergy specialist to dermine whether or not this nasal blockage is because of an inhaled allergen. If the test reveales an allergy we recommend our pateients to take anti allergic therapy and nasal steroids for a period of time. After this therapy we reconsider about a surgical intervention. If the symptoms relieved we will not recommend surgery. we will follow up the patient. But if complaints are remaining we wil definetely offer from minimal invasive to invasive surgical options. Most minimal invasive surgery is the radiofreauency ablation of the inferior chonchas. If the patient has septal deviation we offer two kinds of surgical intervention. First choise is the conventional cold knife surgery for the septum, second choise is the laser septoplasty. In both we do not recommend nasal package for our patients postoperatively. We use Doyle II nasal silicone splints for the nasal dressing. They are easy to apply and comfothable.

Sugery duration for septoplasty is about an hour with the general anesthesia. Laser technique takes 15 minutes to half an hour longer.